We dig deeper to uncover the evidence if it exists anywhere. Our experts comes with a vast experience in reverse engineering and product testing. Having strong technical background, they know exactly where to look for the evidence of use. From online search to teardown reports or if it comes to product testing or reverse engineering, they have been doing it with utmost excellence to reveal the evidence in the products. Click here to request a quote/sample.

Our Evidence of Use claim chart has got appreciation from several clients. Our technology experts work in close association with legal experts to ensure that the charts are self-explanatory and easy to understand for a layman in technology as well.

Evidence of use patent claim charts refer to element by element break down of claim elements and their mapping against infringing products or standards.

Claim charts prepared at PatVerse are not mere plain-vanilla claim charts, our claim charts tell a tale.

  • Self-explanatory: Claim charts prepared at PatVerse are self-explanatory to the extent that they can be interpreted even by a layman with ease
  • Value added Commentary: We also provide additional technological information/background culled from reliable sources using secondary searching to support / reinforce our mapping. In addition to this, our analysts provide first hand commentary describing how the patent claim elements are mapping against the product/standard
  • Visual Appealing: We support our claim charts with color coding schemes such that relating elements is easy. We use color codes for each significant element in the claim and it is mapped to the related features in the evidence which is further highlighted in the same color